
Meeting challenges with success

Personal Coding Workflow

Some thoughts on personal coding workflow

My coding is rudimentary at best but the lessons I have learned along the way save me from constant anguish.

Managing Vim and Essential Plugins

Our last post discussed using fisa-vimrc and appreciating the simple installation and ease of use. This post will explore, briefly, some tweaks and a short “how to” for each of the loaded plugins. This exercise will be worth your time if you have not explored these tools before.


VIM is a standard for me. My UNIX career hung on my “vi” savvy which I learned appreciate from mentors who encouraged me to learn the tips and tricks of using vi. My learning curve with vi/vim has never leveled off, but rather, always gives me new features and tricks that energize me again. The latest vim “trick” is ALE (Asynchronous Lint Engine).

Vim Scriptable Templates

Dynamic vim Templates

Vim (or vi in the anceint past) has been my partner in getting things done. Like an rich tool it has lots of features that go untapped or undiscovered. A few days ago I decided I wanted a script within a tempate to help build the “front matter” to my markdown (.md) files.

The front matter looks like this:

author = ""
comments = true
date = "2018-07-15 14:45:19"
draft = false
image = ""
share = true
# slug = 
# tags = [ "tag1", "tag2" ]
title = "vim_scriptable_templates"


The challenge was to have vim write in the date for me in the needed format. And if you use hugo as your static web site generator as I do you may have found that it will silently ignore a new markdown file if the date is not formated correctly. It some testing to discover that but the bottom line is that I needed a way to script it for to avoid mistakes.

Research to me to this tip source: vim embedded scripts