
Meeting challenges with success

Taking advantage of *args and **kwargs

Taking Advantage of *args and **kwargs

I consistently forget the option word I have included in a function and so I had to design a way to accept different keywords (option) names to trigger features with in a function.

As an example, assigning a color to a box border is very easy by just adding something like this to a function’s arguments:

def buildabox(msg, border_color="red"):
  docs go here to put a box around msg

But, if you accidenally call the function like this, it will fail. my_box = buildabox(“my message”, box_color=“white on back”): …


The python3 collection of tools called gtoolz has been released and can be downloaded from github or using:

Python's all() function

Python all() function

Much of my coding efforts are directed towards analyzing financial data specifically targeting potential cash secured puts or covered calls. Recently, I had to refine some market overview displays. I needed a listing of the current market “gainers” and market “losers”. There is one site which I scrape using panda read_html function to grab a hadful of tables. My problem arises from two factors. One is there are no labels or titles to the tables and they can vary. The a table can arise from special (temporart) events and the weekends or holidays might call for the tables to re-arrange their order. This requires that I look directly at the panda table and derive which table I might be examining. One table I look for lists all the “gainers” currenly in the market. What I do know is that the third column of that table will always contain a plus sign (the % change of all the gainers). I had nested loops initially to do this but I refactored the code to use the “all()” function to discover which table has all “+” signs in the column 3. My standard caveat applies here - there is likely a better way to do this - so let me know.

Quick N Dirty Python Debug Function

Pdb is a great debugger for python but I like to use my own simple debug functions. Here is a simple debug function for python which could definitely be improved:

Sometimes It Is The Obvious

This was one of those “problems” that nagged me for many hours until the obvious dawned on me. I wrote a python script to grab the temperature and humidity from a DHT22 sensor and then write the output with the proper syntax to send to my monitoring program [xymon]. The wrapper bash script ran every 5 minutes and used a redirection to write out a file ie:

*/5 * * * * /usr/local/bin/ >/tmp/temphum.dat

The wrapper script grabs output and sends it to the server. Having this wrapper script lets me run the python script independently for testing or for curiosity.