Quick N Dirty Python Debug Function

Posted by Companionway on Thursday, December 22, 2016

Pdb is a great debugger for python but I like to use my own simple debug functions. Here is a simple debug function for python which could definitely be improved:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys
from inspect import (getframeinfo, currentframe, getouterframes)

DBUG=2 # will print to stdout if set to 1 -- use 2 to add funcname and funcdocs
#DLOG=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])+".log" # will append to log to file if this is not commented out

def dbug(msg):
   At the top of your script set these global values:
    from inspect import (getframeinfo, currentframe, getouterframes)
    DBUG=2 # will print to stdout if set to 1 -- use 2 to add funcname and funcdocs
    #DLOG=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])+".log" # will append to log to file if this is not commented out
   Function: dbug() will print (or log) DEBUG: (datetime) [lineno] msg
   print this function doc with CLI help(dbug) or CODE dbug.__doc__
   needs: from inspect import currentframe.
   Simple to use... dbug("my message here")

  cf = currentframe()
  msg="DEBUG: ["+str(cf.f_back.f_lineno)+"] "+msg

    if DBUG==2:
      fdoc=fdoc if fdoc else 'undocumented'
      msg=msg+" Func: "+fname+" Doc: "+fdoc

    if DLOG != "":
      fh_dbug.write(dtime+" "+msg+"\n")

    if DBUG>=0:
      print msg

def myFunc(myvar="eulav"):
   myFunc("something") -requires one string
   prints out the string backwards - it uses the extended slice operator
   ie [begin:end:step]
   The default here prints "value"
  dbug("how does it work")
  print myvar[::-1]

### Main Code ###
if __name__ == '__main__':
  dbug("Please note that the name of this function is dbug -- not debug just to avoid conflicts elsewhere")

  dbug("How does this work?")
  myFunc("this is my string")

  dbug("And now the reverse")
  myFunc("gnirts ym si siht")

  dbug("Let see what the default is...")
  myFunc() # reverses the default
### EOF ####

Output from this should look something like this:

DEBUG: [97] Please note that the name of this function is dbug – not debug just to avoid conflicts elsewhere DEBUG: [98] How does this work? DEBUG: [92] how does it work Func: myFunc Doc: myFunc(“something”) -requires one string prints out the string backwards - it uses the extended slice operator ie [begin:end:step] The default here print “value”

gnirts ym si siht DEBUG: [102] And now the reverse DEBUG: [92] how does it work this is my string DEBUG: [105] Let see what the default is… DEBUG: [92] how does it work value


Enjoy -g-

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