Announcing a new project: newspaper-hugo-subtheme
First credit goes to Silke V at name “silkine” [].
Original source code can be found here:
I had a coworker who had a non-profit business blog that wanted to offer a newsletter to her clients.
So I got interested in finding an HTML format that gave an old traditional newspaper style
and Silke offered a solution that provided a strong simple css base. Currently (2017) I find
the hugo cms system to be the easiest most portable static web building application freely available.
The challenge was to create a full newsletter style theme as a subtheme within an existing theme
structure. So I mocked up a ported version of Silke’s newspaper css into a hugo “section”.
An example of this subtheme can be seen here: [newspaper-hugo-subtheme]
This project is a drop in offering to any existing hugo themed structure which will produce
a newsletter format in an “article(s)” hugo section. A user only needs to change the title, city,
and state varbiable that are stored as front matter in the ./content/articles/ file.
Hugo uses this file natively to discover section (in this case “articles”) specific data. All
posts to the newsletter subtheme should be created in this ./content/articles/ directory as markdown
files. Running hugo new articles/ will create a new file with the default front matter
pulled from ./archtypes/
This project becomes a drop in addition to any hugo theme to add a newspaper type subtheme section.